Your Website

Why Your Website May Be Failing & How to Fix It

Why Your Website May Be Failing & How to Fix It

Do a quick test of your website, right now on your mobile phone. Google a couple of keywords that best describe your product or service. Not your brand keywords, but more generic terms, that a layman would search for you by.  What did you find?
Web Acronyms

Web Acronyms & Crazy Web Talk

Ever asked about getting a website built or anything else web related and the reply may as well been in another language?  Welcome to our world!  Every day new acronyms seem to be popping up.  Together with web 'buzz' words, it's enough to make potential clients either give up hopelessly in ignorance, or run screaming for the hills.
Keeping web software up-to-date.

Keeping web software up-to-date.

Since the use of content management systems (CMS's), client resource management (CRM) software and many other types of software started to be used on servers to run clients sites and management, we have struck the problems of who cares for them.
Client Portal

Are your Web Hosting Details Up-to-Date?

It is very important to keep your contact details up-to-date at all times within your web hosting account. They are the primary method for us to contact you in the event of a problem or emergency, and they are also used to send you your invoices, payment receipts, etc
Responsive Web Design

What is a Responsive Website?

Smartphone usage is increasing, so making a website that is friendly to smartphone users has now become a critical part website construction. Google recommends that your website serve content in optimized formats for both desktop and smartphone users.
Want a website? Not sure who to trust?

Want a website? Not sure who to trust?

We don’t presume to have the answers to how you won’t get ripped off when getting your website. The best we can suggest is RESEARCH. Ask around. There are no magic "lists”, anyone can pay to be on a "list”, a beer at the local bar can buy some inclusions on some lists I have seen. Make your own list up.

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