Campaign Monitor gives our CMS a Thumbs Up!

09 Feb 2013
Using Campaign Monitor for your email campaign & clearFusionCMS for your site? Easily create forms with our new Campaign Monitor CMS module.
This module will automatically create subscription forms from Campaign Monitor mailing lists, by simply entering your API key and placing a snippet where the subscribe form should show.
Define the fields you need within Campaign Monitor and then place a simple snippet call in your template or content area to have the subscribe form built for you including full support for custom fields. Need to allow your users to update their information or unsubscribe? Then simply add the appropriate snippet to have the forms automatically created for you.
Still not convinced? The ask Campaign Monitor, they blogged about our new Campaign Monitor CMS module.
Web Producer, Creative Director, Content Creator & Distributor at clearFusion Digital, & specializes in helping businesses plan & grow their website.