New Theme Engine for clearFusionCMS

29 Apr 2014
When we designed clearFusionCMS we focused on the use case where designers and developers install it, develop a site for their client and maintain the finished product.
To support development in this way we allowed the creation of templates and chunks within the manager interface. We also implemented themes, these allowed a designer to create duplicate templates and chunks which only become active when a theme is selected. The themes allowed the site owner to trivially switch between seasonal styles e.g. Christmas or Back to School.
Where this design came up short is when an individual wanted to build their own site on clearFusionCMS. To install a template the builder would have to copy and paste the templates into the manager interface along with any chunks. While this system does work it isn't the most user friendly.
One of the things we have always wanted to do is empower the site owner, therefore we needed to improve on this.
We have now developed a new theme system which will be part of the clearFusionCMS 1.5.0 release, this will allow site builders to download a theme zip file and use the elements contained within it which should simplify the initial site build.
The ability to create chunks and templates within the manager continues to exist to cater for the advanced developers. It also allows site builders to replace elements from their chosen theme by simply creating a new chunk or template of the same name with the replacement HTML.
What this means is for those on a tight budget you can start with a ready built responsive design and as the site grows replace it with a custom design with additional features. Your site grows with your business.