How to Keep Ahead of Facebook's New Algorithm Change

28 Apr 2015
Facebook has launched an update to its algorithm, which changes how each user will receive content on their News Feed.
The goal of News Feed is to show you the content that matters to you. This means we need to give you the right mix of updates from friends and public figures, publishers, businesses and community organizations you are connected to. This balance is different for everyone depending on what people are most interested in learning about every day. As more people and Pages are sharing more content, we need to keep improving News Feed to get this balance right. - Facebook Newsroom 'Balancing Content from Friends and Pages'
What changes can we expect?
- Now you will be able to see multiple posts from the same source.
- Facebook will now place content you care about at the top of your Feed so you are less likely to miss it. (friend's status updates, photos, videos, etc.)
- Now information about your friends interaction with Page will appear lower in your News Feed or not at all. So you won't have to see what your Friends 'like' as much.
Facebook’s official statement on April 21:
"The impact of these changes on your page’s distribution will vary considerably depending on the composition of your audience and your posting activity. In some cases, post reach and referral traffic could potentially decline. Overall, pages should continue to post things that people find meaningful and consider these best practices for driving referral traffic.”
As a User, you will see what is being talked about the most & more about what your Friends are doing, without seeing every page they 'Like'.
As a Page owner, you will find it will cost you more to play the game. You will be relying more on Facebook Ads & promoting your page. But that isnt enough.
- You will now want people actually interacting with your Page more. Make your website more dynamic and interesting to improve your social sharing, and increase the interactions. Users will still see posts from pages "they like to read or interact with”.
- Instead of just pushing your brand on Facebook, you want more people publishing on behalf of your brand by sharing your content on their Facebook accounts (if the content they are sharing is good enough, they will be sharing on other social networks too!)
- Keep content new and exciting. Tell a story that is unique to your organisation.
- Check out toolkits that Facebook has recently launched for marketers which promise to keep providing resources to "help businesses of all sizes succeed.”
Blueprint has more than 34 eLearning modules with tracks organized by category, which will help you learn the skills to move your business forward. Completing courses may lead to certification.
You can also increase your impact with Page posting tips and best practices or Facebook's recently released Ad Copy Cheatsheet, featuring simple tips on writing ad copy & the Ad Images Cheat Sheet.
Make the most of Facebook's tools, to grow your business and reach your goals.
Web Producer, Creative Director, Content Creator & Distributor at clearFusion Digital, & specializes in helping businesses plan & grow their website.